Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Norfolk County Register of Deeds Says You Can Get a Certified Copy of Your Deed Directly from the Registry of Deeds

Directly from the website of the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds, Recent News, the following is posted, 'Norfolk County Register of Deeds William P. O’Donnell would like to inform the public of an ongoing direct mail offer that is being sent to local homeowners. “Our office has received many inquiries over the past few days from property owners who had received in the mail an offer from “National Deed Service Inc.” to provide them with a certified copy of their deed for $59.50.The company, based in Washington, D.C. according to their letterhead, states it will obtain a certified copy of your deed from the county office and forward it to you.” In an effort to prevent any homeowner from paying such an exorbitant fee for a service that is readily available locally, Register O’Donnell wants all residents of Norfolk County to know that a certified copy of their deed may be obtained from the Registry of Deeds at 649 High Street in Dedham from Monday through Friday during regular business hours of 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. at a cost of $1.00 per page. If you can’t come to the office you can send a request by mail to the Norfolk Registry of Deeds at P.O. Box 69, Dedham MA 02026. The cost by mail is $2.00 per deed. People who would like to view their deed can go online to the Registry web site at and look at their deed in our research section. Further information is available at the Registry by calling our customer service center at 781-461-6101.'

  • ***** REAL ESTATE *****: Yeasterday's Hearing:House Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit:"Subprime and Predatory Mortgage Lending..."
  • ***** REAL ESTATE *****: Yeasterday's Hearing:House Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit:"Subprime and Predatory Mortgage Lending..."
  • Friday, March 23, 2007

    Century 21 President and CEO on CNBC Today

    Century 21 President and CEO Tom Kunz appeared on CNBC today in a televised interview. Wearing the new gold jacket that Century21 has reintroduced to emphasize its' brand, Mr. Kunz emphasized the view that today's market is more near a norm than an extreme.
    When asked were the markets are strongest, nationaly, Boston made his short list.

    And, where is a "meltdown" expected, perhaps in large part due to to reintroduction into the market of the foreclosed homes forces by the collapse of the subprime loans? California!

    A clip from CNBC

    Annex Real Estate School Adds Brokers Course to Its' April Schedule

    Annex Real Estate School, Quincy, MA has added a pre-licensing Massachusetts Real Estate Broker's Course to its' April lineup of classes. This evening class is scheduled to begin April 9th.

    The Massacusetts Real Estate Brokers Course is for Massachusetts licensed Real Estate Salepersons who wish to advance their real estate career to the next level. Call 617-472-4330 ext 314 or email for information on this class.

    Wednesday, March 21, 2007

    Century 21 Annex Realty Team Supports Literacy Volunteers of Massachusetts - Quincy at the Thomas Crane Public Library

    The Literacy Volunteers of Massachusetts - Quincy, Thomas Crane Public Library, of Quincy Massachusetts, held its' First Annual Adult Spelling Bee tonight at the Clifford Marshall School, Quincy.

    Century 21 Annex Realty of Quincy and Hanover was a proud corporate sponsor of this event. A team of 3 of its' Realtor Associates Mary Collins, Ruthie Dollarhide and Leslie Maher, had fun while participating in the event.

    From their description of their program:
    "LVM-Quincy is a library literacy program that provides free, one-on-one tutoring in basic reading and writing to adults on the South Shore. Founded by Ann McLaughlin in 1986, LVM-Quincy is one of 12 LVM programs statewide and a full affiliate of the national network of Literacy Volunteers. We serve adults whose reading levels range from non-reader to sixth grade level."
    Master of Ceremonies was Hank Morse of WROR FM who cast his unique spell on the evening and Suffolk County Sheriff Andrea J. Cabral was the word pronouncer.
    The contest was judged by John Powers, writer for the Boston Globe, Chazy Dowaliby, editor of the Patriot Ledger and Brockton Enterprise, and Ann McLaughlin, Directory of the Thomas Crane Public Library.


    Well, it's after 4 p.m. EDST, and the New York Markets are closed. The Dow, S&P 500 and NASDQ are all up after the Fed OMC announced that it was holding the fed rate at 5.25 %.

    Speculation is even more intense on whether the rate will actually drop on the next go around!

    News on Latest Fed Action

    A brief posting on today's action by the Fed is posted over on our Hanover Real Estate Blog

    Wednesday, March 14, 2007

    Requests for Massachusetts Real Estate Classes are Increasing. Is This a Sign that the Spring Real Estate Market is Emerging?

    We saw it last month, and it's still going on! We're getting more calls for our classes at Annex Real Estate School. And, we're hearing it in the office of Century 21 Annex Realty. Buyers are showing up at our Open Houses and are showing more interest. So as we take more listings in the office, we are also registering more students for the April and May classes.

    This could be a good time to explore your opportunities and start a real estate career.

    Monday, March 05, 2007

    Real Estate Interest and Real Estate Classes

    With mixed signals still effecting the real estate market, interest in taking real estate classes is showing a slight upward trend. Accordingly, Annex Real Esate School has scheduled two Massachusetts pre-licensing classes for the Massachusetts Real Estate Salespersons exam. For the person who can meet the demands of an intensive class, there will be a weekend course, satrting on Friday, March 9th. The Friday evening class will run from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The course continues on Saturday and Sunday, March 10th and 11th. Classes on both of those days will be from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The total of 24 hours of instruction is to meet the Massachusetts state requirement.

    For those who want a more traditional pace, there will be a 4 week course starting on Tuesday, March 13th. Classes will be 3 hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4 weeks, for a total of 24 hours. The student can choose either a morning class, 9:00 a.m. to noon, or an evening class from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

    The cost for either of these courses is only $200 which includes the text books and class material.

    All of the pre-licensing courses at Annex Real Esate School are taught by Massachusetts licensed Real Estate Brokers who are also state Certified
    Real Estate Instuctors.

    Call now 617-472-4330 ext 333 for more information or to register.

    Email to AnnexRealEstateSchool@

    Visit the website