Friday, May 23, 2008

Domain Name Sale - Limited Time Offer $6.95 .com Sale 120x90

(Even if you are not a real estate agent or Realtor(R), you can still take advantage of this money saving opportunity).

As a real estate agent, I was anxious to get my own domain name. I could get email sent directly to me at my own name! Then I realized that my MLS provider had provided me with a free website, somethink called a VOW (Virtual Office Website). Unfortunately the internet address of the site is something like: http:/ !

Not too easy to remember. So I went and bought my own domain name and redirected it to the VOW. Now, all I have to do is tell my clients and customers my domain name and they end up at my VOW!

Then I found a way to offer other real estate agents the opportunity to get their own domain name and save a few dollars. When you click on the link above, you'll be connected to the GODADDY site, where you can buy a domain name at a discount from the going rate.

With each domain name purchase, you will get free EXTRAS:
Online Photo Filer
Quick Blogcast
Hosting with Website Builder
Personalized Email Account **
Starter Web Page
Getting Started Guide
Domain Forwarding and Masking **
...and more!

** These are the two features that I use to get my own mail and to send clients and customers to the free VOW.

Go Daddy $6.95 .com Sale 125x125

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