Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Massachusetts Association of Realtors Holds Annual Convention

I'm back from two days ( September 22, 23) at the annual convention of the Massachusetts Association of Realtors. This year's convention was held at the Worcester Conference Center. I'm not sure of the exact figures, but I did hear from one staff person an estimate of 600+ (?) registrations.

In addition to attending the Trade Fair (I was there on a mission, which I will explain), I had the opportunity to attend sessions on technology for the real estate profession as well as the real estate market in today's economy.

As this year's chairperson of the Marketing and Technology Committee at my local Realtor (R) association, the Plymouth and South Shore Association of Realtors, I was hoping to recruit some vendors for our own trade fair. This event will take place in Pembroke on November 13, 2008. We are looking for vendors whose product or service is consistent with the Marketing and Technology theme of the Fair, and it looks as those we will have some of these vendors at Pembroke. I'll write more about the convention in another post.

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