Friday, September 29, 2006


One of the exciting things that we have been doing for some years now, is to teach Real Estate. Being able to help others prepare for their Massachusetts Real Estate Saleperson or Brokers license is very satisfying. Right now, the real estate school that I work for, ANNEX REAL ESTATE SCHOOL , has announced a full schedule for the month of October. The second weekend of the month will be devoted to Continuing Education classes for licensed Brokers and Salespersons who need to keep their license active.
On the last weekend of the month there will be an intensive Salespersons Pre-licensing Class

Starting on October 17th, the school is offering its' tradtional four week classes, with daytime or evening options.

Then, on October 23rd, an evening Brokers Pre-licensing class will begin. This class is for licensed Salespersons who wish to advance their career and have met the other qualifications.

I have been asked by some,'Is this a good time to start a real estate career or go to school?' Yes, the market has slowed down, but that means that slower pace allows for more time for learning.

So, you can check out the website: "" or email them " "

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